Jennifer Dennis

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BSc in Physical Therapy; Ithaca College in NY State 1991, MA in Applied Physiology; Columbia University in NY City 1994, Certified in Pilates; APPI in 2002 
I have enjoyed a fulfilling career as a chartered physiotherapist since 1991 before becoming certified in Pilates in 2002.  Having initially trained in Pilates in 1999 to use it as adjunct to rehabilitation I was able to see the benefits first hand when used with clients suffering from poor balance, chronic pain or decreased stability.   This inspired me to complete my full certification with Australian Pilates Physiotherapy Institute in 2002.   I then began teaching clients of all levels in Battersea where I live with my husband and three children.  I have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to teach Pilates and watch the improvement and enthusiasm of so many clients as they discover Pilates and its many benefits.


Following my certification in 2002 my continuing education has included the following; 
- Small equipment training 
- The antenatal/postnatal Pilates course
- The Pilates and theraband training
- Full Pilates equipment certification


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My first career was as an early childhood teacher for 7 years in the United States. I loved working with children and besides a passion for tennis, I also enjoyed taking pilates classes.  I moved to London with my husband and two girls in 2006.  I then decided to combine my love of pilates and my teaching background and I became a pilates instructor.  My training took place in 2007 and I then became certified as an instructor in matwork with Body Control Pilates.  I am a member of their Association and a member of the Register of Exercise Professionals.  I am also fortunate to continue my love of working with children and currently work as an assistant in classes at Belleville Primary School.


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Michael was born in 1983 in Montpellier, south of France; in fact 100 years after Joseph Pilates.

A firm lover of musicals, street dance, contemporary jazz, and ballet, Michael practiced these when he first arrived in London. His interest also includes playing the piano. You can hear him playing now!
Michael is a qualified personal trainer and nutritionist. He teaches Mat Pilates as well as reformer, aerobics, conditioning and circuit training. 6 years ago, he met a dynamic teacher who gave him a passion for Pilates. Ever since then, his vision of Pilates has been the same. Michael’s style is very dynamic as it brings more fun to the practice and also delivers a strong workout.
By adding core strength, that includes back, abdominal and pelvic muscles, Michael soon realised that he could develop and strengthen muscles without adding bulk. He increased his flexibility and agility, and at the same time toned his stomach and thigh muscles.